Product Development with the Latest Technologies

Web Development and Digital Marketing Technologies We Work With

From building a marketplace to serving millions of users or handling a live stream of 50k concurrent users, we solve complex problems using cutting-edge web development and digital marketing technology.


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Back-End Engineering

We use a plethora of programming languages such as JVM, .NET, NodeJS and Python to build microservice-based, scalable back-end platforms.

Front-End Engineering

Using JavaScript in combination with HTML5 has revolutionised the way web and mobile applications are built. We’re adept at implementing a wide array of JS frameworks.


We have expertise in leveraging various frameworks allowing faster development and easier maintenance.


We believe one size doesn’t fit all and use different storage technologies to build secure internet-scale applications.

Quality Engineering

We help transform quality assurance into quality engineering by leveraging automation and agile methodologies.

Mobile & Connected Devices

We’re experts in developing experiential applications using native and hybrid technologies for mobile, tablet and connected devices.

Cloud & DevOps

With our expertise in public clouds, hybrid clouds, and multi-cloud setups, we can help our clients with cloud strategy, migration, and continuous DevOps automation.


Data & Analytics

We offer end-to-end data and analytics services and use the latest digital marketing technologies to help our customers leverage the power of data and unlock powerful and actionable business insights.


Customer Experience Platforms

We create omni-channel platforms to deliver personalised, contextual and seamless digital experiences.


eCommerce Platforms

We specialise in the design, development, integration, implementation and maintenance of eCommerce platforms that provide a seamless end-customer experience.


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